Fall Sports Picture Day (8.12.24)!
By Pete Osterman | Aug 8, 2024 8:40 AM
The photographers from LifeTouch will be here after the teacher workday on Monday, August 12th for our Fall Sports Picture Day! Attached is an informational flyer with pricing for photo packages and add-on items. The flyer also includes a pre-purchase order code [EVTPKVWJB]. **This code will only work for pre-orders** All pre-ordered pictures will arrive roughly 2-3 weeks after picture day. If you did not pre-order, a proof of your Maverick(s)' Fall photos will be sent home with an individualized code for you to complete your order. Teams Scheduled for Monday after 2:30 PM (All Pictures taken in the Main Gym): - Football (JV/V) - Cheer (FR/JV/V) - Boys Tennis - Girls Cross Country - Boys Cross Country - Girls Soccer (JV/V) - Boys Soccer (JV/V) - Girls Golf - Volleyball (FR/JV/V) **Freshman Football and Unified Flag Football will be taken on another date TBD If you have questions about an order, please contact the great people with LifeTouch at https://lifetouch.my.site.com/helpcenter/s/
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